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Thursday 5 June 2014

Blog Video
We all have things we hate about the world! Check out this video we made asking people what they hate. comment below what you think of it and tell us what you hate.

Thursday 15 May 2014


I think it's safe to say that the majority of people hate racism, however, as it is with everything, the vocal minority somehow still gets attention. Even in this day and age, somehow racism is still a major social problem. Even wit the large amount of progress in this area, there is still some who think that racism is a part of every day life.

A recent well known case of racism is Donald Sterling, the owner (soon to be former owner) of the NBA team, the Los Angeles Clippers.  Recently his mistress recorded a conversation between the two of them. During this recording, Sterling told his mistress to not take "Black" people to his team's  basketball games and not promote hanging out with them by posting it on Instagram. This is in spite of the fact that his mistress was half african-american and half mexican. 

As would be expected from such a example of racism, there was a large amount of backlash from the media and public. As his team was in the middle of a playoffs series at the time (which they would end up winning), the players didn't comment too much on the situation as they wanted to think about their upcoming games. However, this didn't stop them from staging a quiet protest during the warm up of their next game. After walking out on to the court for warm up, they took off their Clipper warm up gear and put it on the middle of the court, they then conducted warm up with a red shirt turned inside out so they wouldn't have to show the Clipper's logo.

As well as this, before the NBA commissioner revealed the punishment for Sterling, The Clippers team and their opponent the Golden State Warriors agreed that if the verdict was anything less than Sterling being banned from the NBA, the game planned for after the verdict would be boycotted. It is believed that if the ban was implemented two other games scheduled for that day were going to be boycotted too.

After his bigotry was released to the public my TMZ, Sterling was fined $2.5 million by the NBA (The maximum fine the NBA can enforce) and he will be forced to sell his share of the Clippers if three quarters of the NBA team owners agree to this. 

Let's just face it, racism is stupid. There isn't any other way to put it. if you want to see some of the stupidity which is found in this world of ours I recommend the following site, .
There is no sign of intelligent life found on this site and if you are ever frustrated at someone for acting stupid just remember that at least they aren't a member of this organisation.

I'd like to leave you with a quote from the homepage of the NorthWestFront website.

"We don’t stand for hating people, we stand for freeing people, our people, from a yoke of tyranny and oppression that has become impossible for us to live with. We stand for preserving our race from biological and cultural extinction."

People on public transport

Oh my god, why does everyone on public transport seem to be the most selfish, disgusting and straight up putrid examples of human beings. I partake on a 4 hour commute every day to get to and from uni and in that time my hate of the human race just sky-rockets. It still puzzles me why people feel the need to take up more than one seat when they clearly can just use one. Are they that scared of human interaction? Are they that selfish to deny another standing customer the chance to rest their legs and sit down? Or does everyone just suck? I think i'll go with the last option. Maybe i wouldn't be so upset if i didn't have to witness constant sneezing, coughing and spluttering all around me. I mean, i understand that people get sick, and these are normal reactions to sickness, but could you at least cover your mouth? please? I'm absolutely certain that me and all the other passengers on this public transport don't want to bathe in your shower of spittle and bacteria. Why doesn't everyone just sit down in their one seat, follow the correct transport etiquette, and get not be a complete bastard. One can only dream.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Australian Budget 2014: Why We Hate It

Just when the economic was going well when Tony Abbott was elected as MP on September 2013, it went downhill wen the new federal budget was introduced on the 13th May 2014. The new budget brought major changes that people knew that Abbott couldn't keep to his promises. This budget is targeted to hurt welfare groups that includes: unemployed people, public and health services, pensioners, families, university students, etc. The changes that those targeted groups dislike are:
  • The family faces: the Family Tax Budget, the increase in petrol excise, the $7 fee when seeing their GP, an increase in medicine costs and higher, deregulated university fees for the children who are university students. 
  • The Pensioner are confronted with: the $7 fee to see the GP and the pension age will rise to 70 in 2035 and have concession cuts 
  • The unemployed: there were 16, 500 jobs lost from the Commonwealth public servants. They face a 6 month dole scheme which they receive benefits. Also, the age is raised for young people who are unemployed from 22 to 25 years of age to be eligible for Newstart. 
  • University students: Hardworking families who don't have university degrees should pay less for other people's degrees while university students who will earn 75% more income should pay more for their own degrees, especially when the federal budget is a mess. 
These targeted groups are protesting against the new budget and are unhappy with these changes. Even though some groups have benefits from the new budget, the majority of these groups mentioned above are at a disadvantage. The responses of this budget is shown on social media:
However, the federal government seem to see the benefits from the budget when the economic is going through a transition and see an as increase in "longer-term productivity and living standards", as mentioned in the Budget Overview. But will it really work out well in the long term? So, what are YOUR thoughts about this new regime? 

People who hate the police

The Police force is in place for a reason, to enforce the principles of justice and the laws of our country to keep citizens safe and to improve the quality of life of the millions of people that reside in Australia. For some unknown reason, it is considered cool to bag out the good folk who uphold our laws, because they 'busted mi mates drinkin' at the park' or 'confiscated my drugs again, they're such dumb dogs'. Firstly it is not their fault that you're doing the wrong thing, they are just trying to keep the streets safe and if that means that your dumb ass friends get their illegal substances taken away, or they have to get locked up for the night then that's what has to be done. Secondly show some respect for these people. They have to risk their lives at times to prevent crime, and you're treating them like rubbish. They don't discriminate against you for being a dropkick, and regardless of whether you're posting on social media about them, when you call 000 they'll be there to help. I feel like i shouldn't have to post this but if you're still set on the idea that police suck then here's  10 good reason why you should shut your mouth.
Next time you think it'll be cool to badmouth the Police, have a second thought about the trouble they go through to keep us safe. If you think i'm wrong, tell me why, if you think i'm right, tell me you love me. All comments welcome below.


The Subject of whaling has been a contentious issue over recent years. There has been a massive public outcry due to whaling which puts many endangered species at serious risk of extinction. While whaling by the Japanese is highly reported, both Norway and Iceland also participate in Whaling.

The following is found on the World Wide Fund for Natures website:

Japan took a total of 866 whales in 2006/07 season:

  •  3 Southern Hemisphere fin whales,
  •  508 Southern Hemisphere minke whales, 
  •  197 North Pacific minke whales, 
  •  51 North Pacific Brydes whales, 
  •  101 North Pacific sei whales, 
  •  6 North Pacific sperm whales.

I h8 txt tlk

Another thing that really bothers me is 'txt tlk'... text talk. A little of 'ill c u soon' here and there isn't anything I'm going to complain about, but when text talk becomes ridiculously confusing, it is just unnecessary! I do wonder whether the author has to think harder about how they can abbreviate their message than it would take for them to just write the message properly in the first place.

Sometimes I feel like another language needs to be taught in schools, teaching the students how to understand and compose text messages that are strongly abbreviated.