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Tuesday 13 May 2014

I ABSOLUTELY HATE cyclists on the road

I HATE cyclists on the road.One thing that really bothers me about cyclists is when they think that they are so cool that they can ride on the road. This should not be legal! Not only do they ride 10km per hour, holding up all the traffic, but they scare drivers! I become absolutely P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D when I drive near a cyclist and am constantly wondering... what would happen if they hit a rock and fell off? Would I run over them? Not nice thoughts, definitely something that shouldn't be crossing your mind when you are trying to focus on the road.I have nothing against cyclists, in fact I admire them. I think it is a great thing that they are trying to keep fit, 10/10. And plus, there are some beautiful places that they could potentially ride- in parks, forests, by the beach etc. So why ride near the road? Either they love the attention or love to piss off us anxious drivers!

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