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Monday 12 May 2014

People who use acronyms when they talk

Now before you jump in and tell me 'they save time' or 'they help us remember the name of things', I'm not talking about the names of companies or long words. The sort of acronyms im talking about are 'lol' and 'omg', the sort of things you type to a friend in an instant message on facebook. If you have to literally pronounce the letters L O L, which stands for "laughing out loud" then you obviously weren't laughing hard enough at whatever they said. Even worse is when people pronounce it in some sort of "cool troll voice" as if theyre doing it ironically or to be funny. "lawl" "omg laughing out loud" and "rofl" are not acceptable things to be said in a public place and make you sound like a 5 year old. So please for the love of all things nice, stop using IM acronyms to tell people how funny something was. Just laugh  if you think something is funny, shake your head instead of saying 'smh' and never ever ever say roflcopter. Feel free to use any of these in a text but they do not save time when youre talking and they just annoy any sane person.
Have you got a friend who does this, let us know in the comments and give us a piece of your mind, then let them know how you feel!

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