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Tuesday 13 May 2014

People who hate the police

The Police force is in place for a reason, to enforce the principles of justice and the laws of our country to keep citizens safe and to improve the quality of life of the millions of people that reside in Australia. For some unknown reason, it is considered cool to bag out the good folk who uphold our laws, because they 'busted mi mates drinkin' at the park' or 'confiscated my drugs again, they're such dumb dogs'. Firstly it is not their fault that you're doing the wrong thing, they are just trying to keep the streets safe and if that means that your dumb ass friends get their illegal substances taken away, or they have to get locked up for the night then that's what has to be done. Secondly show some respect for these people. They have to risk their lives at times to prevent crime, and you're treating them like rubbish. They don't discriminate against you for being a dropkick, and regardless of whether you're posting on social media about them, when you call 000 they'll be there to help. I feel like i shouldn't have to post this but if you're still set on the idea that police suck then here's  10 good reason why you should shut your mouth.
Next time you think it'll be cool to badmouth the Police, have a second thought about the trouble they go through to keep us safe. If you think i'm wrong, tell me why, if you think i'm right, tell me you love me. All comments welcome below.

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