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Thursday 15 May 2014

People on public transport

Oh my god, why does everyone on public transport seem to be the most selfish, disgusting and straight up putrid examples of human beings. I partake on a 4 hour commute every day to get to and from uni and in that time my hate of the human race just sky-rockets. It still puzzles me why people feel the need to take up more than one seat when they clearly can just use one. Are they that scared of human interaction? Are they that selfish to deny another standing customer the chance to rest their legs and sit down? Or does everyone just suck? I think i'll go with the last option. Maybe i wouldn't be so upset if i didn't have to witness constant sneezing, coughing and spluttering all around me. I mean, i understand that people get sick, and these are normal reactions to sickness, but could you at least cover your mouth? please? I'm absolutely certain that me and all the other passengers on this public transport don't want to bathe in your shower of spittle and bacteria. Why doesn't everyone just sit down in their one seat, follow the correct transport etiquette, and get not be a complete bastard. One can only dream.

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